Hi, I’m Lauri! I am a licensed Pelvic Floor Occupational Therapist and a Pelvic Health & Wellness Coach. I specialized in Pelvic Heath initially to address my own urinary urgency and leaking that was becoming more frequent, disruptful to my life and really, just plain embarrassing. I wasn’t willing to accept the idea that this is just what happens when you get older. I also didn’t want to consider meds or surgery. What I learned was there are changes to my lifestyle, habits and routines I could make to address my urgency and incontinence.
My journey took dedication but considering the options…I’m happy to say I am able to manage my urgency and incontinence. I can go on hikes and kayak without anxiety about leaking. I can travel without stopping every hour (without leaking!) and I can go to a store without the anxiety of wondering where the bathroom is. I also learned SO much about myself AND I feel much more positive about myself overall because I am the one back in control. I hope the “Five Strategies to Stop Sudden Bladder Urges” helps you take the first step in taking back control of your bladder!